Create and Manage Your FREE Recruiting Profile.
Valid until canceled
NOTE: Membership (FREE) is Required to Ensure the Integrity and Security of Your Player Profile
Create your comprehensive online profile and begin promoting yourself to college recruiters and scouts.
Include photos, videos, awards, and achievements. Post your upcoming schedule of games and events.
Access our Resource Center for in-depth recruiting info, including college site links, articles, and information to improve yourself and your game.
Your FREE Personal College Recruiting Profile
To Start:
Select "Create Your FREE Player Profile" to register your Recruiting Profile Membership account. Immediately after completing your sign-up form you will be redirected to the;
Initial Input Form:
This form contains the Required Information to submit before completing the rest of the sections. Submitting this completed form will create your Profile and add it to the Player Profile Directory. Complete this form at one time and then SUBMIT it. You will then be re-directed to the:
Player Bio Form:
This form contains text fields, dropdown choice fields, weblink fields, and one photo upload button. In this section, you can upload your headshot photo and add optional player and team information. There are also fields to add links to your team websites. When you are finished making changes to a form, click on the “Save” button. You will then be directed to your LIVE Profile site. Return to update this form anytime by going to “My Recruiting Profile” from the Login Bar.
Your FREE Profile is Live until you cancel or the end of your high school graduation year
Update and Maintain your Profile
Log in to your account dashboard regularly to access your member pages and easily add and update Information on your Profile Page as needed.
Use your "My Notes" page to organize and track coach communications, training progress, your recruiting timeline, and more.
Communicate with college coaches and give them the link and QR code to your Profile Page.
Keep them updated with your game schedules, training, and academic progress.
Reach for the "Next Level"
Actively update and maintain your Profile - Coaches and scouts will be notified when your info changes.
Receive regular notices from diamondplayersrecruits.com with recruiting and scholarship updates and the information you need to stay on track in the recruiting process.
Refer to our Resource Center for all the info you need to become the best student/athlete you can be.
Be Proactive and Take Charge of the Process!

Everything you need - no upsells and no pressure